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Weekly Brief is your 1-minute smart and fast report to keep you informed of important Bible-related trends, statistics, articles, and pivotal happenings on the Web and at Bible Gateway. Forward to your friends and share with your followers to encourage them to subscribe.

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50 New Translations of the Bible Completed in 2015

Bible Societies last year assisted in the completion of translations in 50 languages spoken by nearly 160 million people. More than 150,000 visually impaired people in Sri Lanka were given the potential to read the Bible for themselves with the completion of the Sinhala Braille Bible. Read more from United Bible Societies.

See our Blog post Bible Translation Organizations.

Diboll, TX Police Dept. Hopes to Place Bible Verse Reference on Uniform Patch

The Diboll, Texas Police Department is hoping to place "MATT 5:9" on its shoulder patches. Several departments nationwide have started using “In God We Trust” on their vehicles and buildings. Read more from Law Officer.

See more Bible-related articles in this week's Bible News Roundup.

See previous editions of Bible News Roundup and Weekly Brief.

Try Bible Gateway Plus for 30 Days Free!

Try our new membership program Bible Gateway Plus that features a banner ad-free experience for you and instant access to more digital Bible study books! Learn more and try it for 30 days FREE!

The season of Easter began March 27, 2016 and ends May 15, 2016 (Pentecost).
ENJOY SAVINGS on Easter resources in the Bible Gateway Store

Death and Resurrection: Guest Post by Philip Johnston

Bible scholar Philip S. Johnston wrote the article on Death and Resurrection in the NIV Zondervan Study Bible. He says, "The resurrection of Christ is central to Christian faith (1 Cor 15), part of the radical newness of the gospel. Paul writes that “our Savior, Christ Jesus...brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim 1:10, emphasis added)—so before then the afterlife was an unknown quantity, in the shadows rather than the light. This is the key to a biblical theology of death and resurrection, affirming both the light shed by the gospel and the relative ignorance of earlier times (see Mark 9:10)." Read the article here.

How Do We Know That Jesus Was the Messiah? A Look at Old Testament Prophecy and Jesus

Author and apologist Lee Strobel has written a great deal about the claims of Christianity and specifically about the question of Jesus' identity as the Messiah. In this article, Lee describes what the Old Testament says about the Messiah—and talks about how that informs our understanding of who Jesus was and is. Read more.

Browse the Apologetics section in the Bible Gateway Store

Does God Ever Refuse to Answer Our Prayers?

Most of us believe that when we "cry out" to God—that is, appeal to Him through prayer—He always hears those prayers. "Ask," we read in Matthew 7:7, "and it will be given to you." But what about Bible passages that suggest that sometimes God doesn't listen to our prayers? Read more.

Browse the Prayer section in the Bible Gateway Store

Unleash the Power of Personal and Spiritual Growth: An Interview with Bill Purvis

Bill Purvis had to be at death's door before he discovered that everything he was searching for could be found in Jesus Christ. As a teenager, he nearly died when he was stabbed three times by a pimp during an encounter with a prostitute. With his pericardium sac pierced, liver punctured, and jugular vein completely severed, he cried out to Jesus, who miraculously saved his life. In the more than 30 years since that day, he's become a pastor, leader, and mentor to many. Bible Gateway interviewed Bill Purvis about his book, Make a Break for It: Unleashing the Power of Personal and Spiritual Growth (Zondervan, 2016). Read this interview.

The Story is Improving Bible Literacy in Churches: An Interview with Shelley Leith

The Story is helping people experience Scripture like never before. Carefully selected verses from the Bible are organized chronologically. From Genesis to Revelation, participants come to understand God’s story and how their stories intersect with it. Churches and small groups have seen enhanced comprehension of the Bible, new found confidence to share the Word, unified community, and naturally increased community outreach by using The Story. Bible Gateway interviewed Shelley Leith, national church coach for The Story (Zondervan, 2011) church campaign and resources. Read this interview.

Also see our Blog post: One Thousand Churches BELIEVE.

Bible Gateway March Mania Competition Continues

Be sure to keep voting in our tournament of Bible stories: #BibleGatewayMarchMania. So far the winners include Jericho's Walls, The Exodus from Egypt, David & Goliath, Joseph & his Coat, Daniel & the Lion's Den, The Good Samaritan, and others. Cast your votes and see which stories advance. Who knows; you may be surprised by possible upsets in determining the “champion” (which will be announced April 7)! Tell your friends and social media followers. Keep voting and see the brackets.

Browse the Sports section in the Bible Gateway Store.

Let Scripture Interpret Scripture

In this 20th lesson about studying the Bible, pastor and author Mel Lawrenz says, "When you read a passage and wonder what 'resurrection' really means or 'the kingdom of God' or 'sexual immorality' or 'Passover' or 'antichrist' or 'marriage,' there is one place to turn: the rest of the Scriptures. Yes, archaeologists may have some relevant information, and there may be parallels in modern literature, science, or history, but Scripture is its own best interpreter." If you want to study the Bible better, read this installment of his series on our Blog and encourage your friends and followers to receive it by email.

Also read previous articles in the How to Study the Bible series on such topics as the best way to approach your study; how Scripture examines us; the roles observation and curiosity play; how to develop a biblical vocabulary; what a topical study is; and much more.

See Bible reference books in the Bible Gateway Store.

Interview: Bible Scholar Confirms 50 Real People in the Bible

In his article “Archaeology Confirms 50 Real People in the Bible” in the March/April 2014 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR), Purdue University scholar Lawrence Mykytiuk identifies 50 figures from the Old Testament that he says have been confirmed archaeologically. An accompanying chart lists Israelite kings, Mesopotamian monarchs, and lesser-known figures who are both mentioned in the Bible and present in the archaeological data. Read more.

Also read our Blog post, Biblical Context for the Top 10 Biblical Archaeological Discoveries of 2015. And see such faith-enriching resources as the NIV Archaeological Study Bible in the Bible Gateway Store.

The Last Straw: A Guest Post by Nicki Koziarz

It’s time for an honest conversation on how not to give in to the temptation to give up. Nicki Koziarz is a woman who has thrown in the towel a time or two. In fact, she’s quit just about everything in her life. But with God’s help, she’s discovered a few habits that have helped her and others conquer the choice to quit. In her book, 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit (B&H Books, 2016), she explains how to evaluate the internal personal struggles that make you want to quit, cultivate consistent habits to help you progress toward your goals and receive a fresh dose of perspective from the Bible that will help you develop perseverance. Read this excerpt.

Browse books for women in the Bible Gateway Store.

Bible Spotlight: New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised

This feature in the Weekly Brief is intended to help you become aware of the plethora of Bible versions available for you to freely read on Bible Gateway. This week, learn about and read the New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised (NRSVA).

Learn How to Choose a Bible Translation

Discover how we know the Bible we possess is really God’s Word. This new online course is a $20 value but right now you can get it for free. Learn more.

ChurchSource Pastor to Pastor: A Beautiful—But Practical—Approach to Reviving Our Prayer Lives

Preston Yancey, in his book Out of the House of Bread: Satisfying Your Hunger for God with the Spiritual Disciplines (Zondervan, 2016), writes: "Of the many answers to be given about why we pray, perhaps most important and fundamental is that we pray to abide. The psalmist says that God is “the rock that is higher than I … a sure foundation.” Prayer anchors us to that rock. Prayer keeps our hearts and imaginations open to recognize the work of God in ourselves and in our world." Read the rest of this book excerpt.

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Bible Gateway Recommendation
NIV Zondervan Study Bible

“…a magnificent achievement…” “…a tremendous tool…” “…helpful, thorough, and readable…” “…a treasure trove…”

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